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Data Structures: Primitive Operations

Primitive Operations  Primitive operations are the building blocks of the algorithm in the Data Structures. It help us to count the operations in any certain algorithm to calculate the time complexity of the algorithm. What is Data Structure? Data Structure is the systematic way of accessing and organizing data. What is Algorithm? Algorithm is the step by step procedure to perform the task in the finite amount of time. You might be thinking why is there a need to calculate the time complexity of the algorithm. Technically talking being a Computer Science student, it is too much necessary to calculate the run time to check the efficiency of the algorithm. The analysis is performed on the two basic factors that are: Run time  Space Usage There are two types of the analysis: Experimental Analysis Theoretical Analysis Experimental analysis is performed on the finite amount of data while the theoretical analysis is performed on all types of data so we can ...
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Data Structure: Single LinkedList in Java

Linked List: Linked List contains a sequence nodes which are linked together. Each node contains a connection to another link and data. Linked list is the second most-used data structure after array. Following are the important terms to understand the concept of Linked List. Link − Each link of a linked list can store a data called an element. Next − Each link of a linked list contains a link to the next link called Next. LinkedList − A Linked List contains the connection link to the first link called Head. Types of Linked List: Following are the various types of linked list. Simple Linked List − Item navigation is forward only. Doubly Linked List − Items can be navigated forward and backward. Circular Linked List − Last item contains link of the first element as next and the first element has a link to the last element as previous. Basic Operations: Insert:  Inserts at tail,  specific index. Delete: Deletes from the tail.  specific index. Dis...

Assembly Language: Configuration of Visual Studio

Setting up Visual Studio: Introduction of Microsoft Visual Studio and configure it for Assembly Language Programming.  Introduction to Visual Studio: Visual Studio (for all its versions) is an integrated development environment (IDE) from Microsoft. It is a leading tool to develop computer programs, as well as web sites, web applications and web services.We could, however, use a stand-alone assembler like NASM or MASM to code in Assembly Language. Here is the configuration of Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 and provided below is the link of my YouTube channel that is showing the configuration of Microsoft Visual Studio 2012. The configuration of all the versions is SAME. Link:    Configuring Visual Studio for Assembly Language: Install the latest version (for 6th/7th edition) of Irvine’s link library from the link given below    Once you have downloaded the req...